Learning process...

Hello. Welcome to the very rough very ugly first drafts of the SequityMood website, where a rando will talk (rant) about whatever comes to mind, trying to revive the dead art of personal web development in light of the internet becoming more centralized in the worst way.

Shoutout to Archive of Our Own for being one of the few last remnants of the old internet, amen.

Things I'd like to talk about on here:

* I'll try to update every month btw (lying).

What's new? What's coming?

(16/6/2023): I'm thinking on visual layouts and ideas on how to arrange the site, what exactly to post about, how to tag posts and have a usable tagging system too, and learning how to code in html and make my own, well, everything. Not about this site but, I'm also writing a new fanfic for The Owl House (more like learning how to write in the first place) and doing some questing in Runescape (OSRS, of course, the better of the Runescapes). (Ramble ahead !!!)

And btw, If you ever wonder "Is this site also abandoned like 80% of the sites in Neocities?" the answer is no, unless I delete the site I haven't given up on the project yet (or I just literally died), especially since the Twitter and Reddit debacle going on right now makes me REALLY want to learn how to make my own space on the internet without worrying if it'll die eventually; although it is still sad to see so many sites become unusable each day while also having no other alternative but to use them (because monopoly and centralization amirite), since having a personal website is not the same as social media and viceversa. Which, tying to the Reddit thing, PLEASE make backups/archives of things you like if they're on the internet, even if it's just a crappy picture of a computer screen in your phone or a note detailing how you solved a problem, that info could be so valuable to someone (or even yourself) in the future.

I miss the old internet, not even actually old internet, but early 2010's internet... Who doesn't nowadays, though. Anyway, have a stale baguette.

(17/7/2023): Apparently I'm destined to fail my goals the moment I share them with anyone else, it feels like this past month I've been having lots of stuff to do when before last entry I was feeling like I didn't do anything ever and was just wasting my time. Either way, I'm not dead, just exhausted! And hopefullly after tomorrow I'll finish doing the offishull stuff I've been having to do so that I have the rest of the summer free for recreational things with The Partnertm and maybe get a real adult job or go to university. So I hope I can get to learn web development properly this year and finally setting myself up in my new life in a new country.

So what else? Well I've been rearranging all sorts of stuff: Documents, emails, passwords, notes, bookmarks, making lists, and writing it all down so I never forget or lose it because technology can and will fail you someday. ALWAYS HAVE A BACKUP OF YOUR STUFF!! Don't rely on memory or your Google account to remember it for you! And this ties into the Google Docs using your documents to train their AI situation, although (as far as I've seen) this only applies to public documents I fear they might change it so that they can fuck you over as much as they can, and while I do believe AI laws will be made sometime in the near future chances are they're gonna benefit corporations NOT us, so to take no chances I'd recommend just using a notes/writing app that doesn't connect to the internet, READ WELL the terms of service regarding data handling and AI training of the app you'll use. AI training has been a thing for ages of course, but the recent developments point towards corporations being more aware of new ways they can profit off of your info or straight up plagiarize you. Sad but that's the horrors of capitalism with modern technology for ya.

Again sorry for the mucho texto, have a kraken with a cold one for your time.

(19/9/2023): I should just stop promising things and actually do them, anyway, I'm alive wildly enough, after a really bad stummy ache and a few visits to the doctor that got me good (and yet it's still not over, crazy innit?) I'm back to talk about stupid things that nobody is gonna read. I'm sorry to myself and the one (1) other person who cares about this site for not updating this thing last month, I just haven't gotten around to learn the more difficult parts of web programming so that the site doesn't look like a freshly amputated limb. But alas, I thought of exactly what to put in here and even how to call the different tabs I'll have, so here's a sneak peek (this is a WIP, duh):

When can you expect these to be implemented? Well, I recently started playing Persona 5, the Royale version, so make an estimate. Also I'm working on an even longer-term project of building a city in Minecraft with inside floorplans in every building, nothing fancy as I'm trying to teach myself that just because it's not perfectly planned from the beginning doesn't mean I should just delete the whole thing and start anew. Sigh, the life of a perfectionist.
